Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Let's put the CREATE - in Learn Create Share


Drawing activities allow students to explore color, line curvature, length and direction, how lines can be used to draw shapes and shapes can be combined in different ways to make patterns and represent people, animals and objects.
Drawing helps children to develop the  visual-spatial skills needed for mathematics. Pattern making is also an important aspect of developing mathematical ideas in young children.  

Fine motor activities and handwriting tasks

As a student performs handwriting exercises, you will begin to notice a difference in their  visual perception and fine motor development.
Additional benefits may include the following:
  • You will be able to identify fine-motor problems                     
  • You will improve tracking, retention and pencil grip                  
  • You will help your child establish dominance
  • You will improve their visual-motor skills, crossing the midline and hand-eye coordination
  • You will provide more opportunities for sensory-motor development.

Music engagement is an excellent way to encourage brain development in our students. Music has the ability to activate many different areas of the brain at once, such as areas associated with language, memory, hearing, and areas used to process sensory information. 

Music  is an excellent way to do educational activities in a fun and motivating way.
I have personally witnessed several times student who really talk or have communication challenges begin to sing.

Music can help stimulate your student’s brain in different ways, dance can help develop fine motor skills, and drama teaches emotions and problem-solving. 

Dance is important in education. The acts of imitation, repetition, coordination, and exploration of movement to the rhythm of the music will promote memory training and coordination.
Learning routines and memorising moves is a good mental exercise for your child. It’ll encourage them to use their mental strength without necessarily realising it. Dancing is a great way to help develop your child’s brain and ignite the spark of creativity 

Dancing, and other forms of art, can be used as tools of expressions and exploration for our students. They can use their creativity to think through misunderstanding, and communicate understanding effectively, even though they may not know how to use their words. 

Let's extend our students learning and CREATE.


  1. Hi Donna

    Great post. I completely agree with you. I think that the arts should be given just as much value in education as our core academic subjects. For many students, learning through the arts is the only way that they can retain knowledge, think critically and creatively as well as express themselves.

    I really enjoyed your COL presentation at PES yesterday as well.

    Sandy Lagitupu
    Pt England School

    1. Hi
      I couldn’t agree more! Hands on active learning is so motivating and opens up so many more opportunities for our students .
