Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Celebrating success - What do the results say and WHY?

I have been very fortunate this year to work with an incredible teacher and amazing Year 7 & 8 students at Panmure Bridge School.

The opportunity to observe and work alongside these amazing individuals has renewed my passion for teaching and learning. 

Robyn Anderson and I have had many conversations about the needs of her students and the comprehensive ways she has of supporting her students who have very many diverse needs. I really appreciate the opportunity to share ideas, problem-solve, bounce ideas around, work with her students, carry out additional assessments and most importantly to have the opportunity to be Robyn's critical friend.
I totally agree with Robyn Critical friends are awesome!

Today I celebrate the progress her students have made under her guidance.

Robyn has adapted her programme throughout the year to meet the needs of her students.
She has listened to her student's opinions and consider their interests when recrafting her class programme.

I believe the progress made by these students is a direct result of the explicit acts of teaching  Robyn carries out every day.

Regular strategies I have seen in place daily in her classroom

  • Recapping learning from previous days or lessons and makes clear links to other curriculum areas
  • Checks in with her students regularly to check their understanding of vocabulary and content.
  • Regularly involves the students in the decision making about their own learning 
  • Constantly reminding students of their learning goals and how they can demonstrate their understanding.
  • Reinforced the focus/goal including asking students to share their goals in multiple ways.
  • Actively Models the learning.
  • Guides and scaffolds the students towards their next step goal with appropriate strategies and support.
  • Gets the students to share with a partner their ideas and new learning to reinforce concepts and vocabulary.

But: while these strategies are impressive and I believe they have had a significant impact on learning it is the other important things she does daily that I believe have had an even greater impact -

  • Builds a positive relationship with her students - these students know she cares and wants the best opportunity for them.
  • Has very clear boundaries around expectation and class rules and culture.
  • Checks in with her students daily and is aware of significant events in their life that could have a detrimental impact on the students day eg social and environmental facts that we know can be very extreme in our community.
Explicit acts of teaching and positive relationships make the biggest difference.

This has been a wonderful learning journey for the Teachers and the students!


  1. Hi Donna

    Thank you so much for the help and support you have given my learners and myself this year. Being able to bounce ideas of you and tap into your expertise to help me devise a program that targeted the specific needs of the students in my class who need the most help was invaluable. LS2 and I absolutely loved working with you this year. This post, like the observations you did for me this year has given me a great insight to my own practice.

    Thank you once again for being the best critical friend :)

  2. Kia ora Robyn

    I have loved reading your blog and found it very informative. Thank you for blogging so consistently. This is a great resource and awesome source of data for us at WFRC.
    Ngā mihi,
