Monday, April 24, 2017

My Inquiry

'The New Zealand Curriculum describes the Teaching as Inquiry cycle and the idea of purposeful assessment (page 39). Assessment is one of the tools that inquiring teachers use to improve their students’ learning and their own teaching.'

'Quality Teaching for Diverse Students in Schooling: Best Evidence Synthesis Iteration [BES] emphasises the importance of focusing on student outcomes and using both research evidence and assessment information to improve teaching and learning.'

While undertaking my initial scanning and evidence gathering, it has reinforced my strong belief in the extreme importance of having the correct assessment resources, tools and data. The current mainstream resources give us lots of information about what our students ''can not do or 'have not achieved'
Our job as teachers is to gather evidence-based informative and summative information on our students. Then use this information to plan comprehensively and implement programmes to meet individual students needs.

'The learning inquiry takes place both during and after teaching as teachers monitor their students’ progress towards the identified outcomes and reflect on what this tells them. Teachers use this new information to decide what to do next to ensure continued improvement in student achievement and in their own practice.'

I look forward to sharing some of these appropriate assessments for diverse learners with schools in our Manaiakalani community. I have decided to set up a separate page for assessment for learners with complex needs and another one for strategies for students who have specific needs. 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Dyslexia - reality - the big challenges .

What can we do to support our learners with Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is an alternative way of thinking - a learning difference - that affects an estimated one in ten New Zealanders including 70,000 school children.

How to support and prompt but not do!!!

Are we offering the right level of support and prompts to our learners?
Do our learners have some control?
How can we scaffold the learning?

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Neuro - Diversity - Ever wondered why our students struggle in our classrooms ?

                           Challenges for our students.

Collaboration - Manaiakalani in a statement!


How much do you share and collaborate with your colleagues?
Other perspectives help us reflect on our teaching and students learning.

Using visuals - Why are the important for our diverse learners ?

I often get asked why visuals should be used with students who have learning difficulties. 
This is a great explanation.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Te Taiao o Tāmaki

Super proud of the amazing artwork the students at Sommerville special school produced to share with our community.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Literacy - A comprehensive approach to Literacy for Student with complex needs

Dr Sally Clendon ran professional development today for our new teachers. -    BIG challenge - share three years of PD in one day!

Great to reinforce the importance of knowing our students well and engaging our learners.
We need a well-balanced comprehensive approach when teaching our students Literacy skills and strategies.

How do we ensure that our teaching is at the right level for our complex students?
Are our students cognitively engaged in an appropriate learning task?
How do our students demonstrate their learning and understanding?

Always so much to think about after a day with Sally !!