Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Working Noise levels

Recently I have been asked about how to help students understand about appropriate  working noise levels in the classroom.
Some of these visual charts may be helpful when teaching your students about appropriate noise levels in the classroom.
While oral language is a priority in our classrooms,  noisy chitter chat can be distracting for our learners.
Noise levels can be a problem with open-plan classrooms, especially the high noise levels coming from the other classes sharing the same space. This is particularly problematic when a class is trying to engage in critical listening activities where it is essential that the children can hear the new concepts they are being taught.

We must remember that during the learning situation in a classroom, the student is submitted to two different types of stimuli: the main one that is the teacher's voice or main student sharing and that is the one the student must direct all his attention to; and the secondary one that is the competitive noise and that the student must be able to neglect it in order to allow the main message not to be distorted. This can be a challenge for everyone but particularly for students with processing or communication difficulties. 

If you would like a copy or some help please get in touch.


  1. Hi Donna, i would love a copy of these to use in my classroom. Using an inside voice is a hard skill to teach. Thanks for sharing - Lauren

  2. Wow what a great blog, i really enjoyed reading this, good luck in your work. Group Home policies and procedures
