Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The New Learning Support Delivery Model

As you may be aware the Ministry of Education has developed a new way of delivering learning support. This Learning Support Delivery Model is being phased in across New Zealand with the
Ministry’s regional offices working with groups of early learning services, schools, providers
and communities to strengthen inclusion and modernise how learning support is delivered.
cluster. In response to the Learning Support Delivery model, we are working with the Ministry of Education Learning Support, Kahui Ako and Supporting Agencies to align current practices with the Disability and Learning Support
Action Plan.

They are working on Response to Intervention (RTI) is an evidence-based, multi-tiered approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behaviour needs. It is a framework
which can be tailored to suit each school. RTI can be used as a lens over a school’s special
needs register so that a school can feel confident that the right level and intensity of support
is provided to each student’s needs.

The aim of the RTI  is to allow schools to ensure that the level of support is appropriate to the needs of their students. It is supposed to provide confidence that the interventions being chosen are evidence-based, robust, effective and well matched to the student. Like the classroom, once good RTI systems are in place, this helps to prevent learning and behaviour challenges and also enhances
learning for all students within the learning community.

I am going to a workshop about the data base being set up by the RTLB cluster 8 in May and hope this provides me with further information to share. I am interested in the concept of gathering school-wide data and Across our Kahui Ako.

Stay tuned - the true information and the value for our student is yet to be seen.
I am hoping this will help me gather information for my inquiry about our student's and whether they are accessing the support they need.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Current assessments in Manaiakalani COL schools

To gain knowledge about what is currently happening in our Manaiakalani schools around assessment I  meet with  Roseanne Gibson the manager of   RTLB Cluster 8.
They have generously shared me into the RTLB Response to Intervention framework survey results. I appreciate RTLB Cluster 8 for their willingness to share this information with me.

Nine of the 13 schools in Manaiakalani Kahui Ako have completed the RTI survey with
their liaison RTLB to date. Eight of the nine responding schools were familiar with the
Response to Intervention Framework.

How learning progress is tracked in classrooms across Manaiakalani Kahui Ako  Schools
• Pre and post assessments
• asTTle,(Reading, Writing, Maths), easTTle
• IKAN, Gloss
• PATs
• Running records
• Curriculum assessments
• School based - base line testing -ongoing formative assessment in       classroom, summative as per cluster agreed protocols
• Beginning, middle and end year assessments

Cumulative Records and Reports
• E-Tap records
• Student reports which go to parents
• Parent/Teacher interviews
• Online tracking shared across staff
• School Talk (this is a a customised software package that teachers use for everything.
Planning, assessment, uploading evidence against learning outcomes
-students do this, timetables for the day, modelling books etc)
Teacher Tracking:
• OTI's by class teachers
• Learning groups
• Differentiating curriculum
• Anecdotal notes

My goal now is to work with our Manaiakalani school and introduce them to a range of alternative assessments.