Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Helping our students manage themselves

What can I do to help students Manage their own behavior?

 Recognise that a change in a child’s behavior usually occurs when there is a change in  their home or school environment.

• Avoid engaging in power plays, struggles with children -YOU WILL LOSE AND SO WILL THE CHILD. 
-Recognise that positive attitudes of encouragement, understanding, and respect by an adult are the basic conditions for desirable behavior in children - Avoid the use of threats, put-downs, embarrassing statements, and criticisms to control children’s behavior.

• Keep in mind that children are social characters who have a need to belong and feel significant and important 
- Provide/create opportunities for children to share, to be independent, to be recognised, to receive praise, and to be involved in achievable work tasks and jobs.

• Keep in mind that children are decision-makers - Create an environment where children are encouraged to make choices and are actively involved in planning activities at sometimes during the day.

• Recognise that acting out behavior in children is often related to their language development -  children’s language capacity assists them to express their needs. Children may feel and express frustration when they have not yet developed the language to effectively communicate their wants, needs, opinions and feelings.

• Catch a child doing something right instead of catching him/her doing something wrong.
 Many times when a child is behaving desirably, such as playing nicely with a peer, or sharing in a friendly manner or working on task, we ignore the child or are too busy at that moment to notice. Giving a child a smile, a word of praise, or a pat on the back can go a long way in making the child feel special, significant, and a sense of belonging.

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