Currently, in New Zealand Schools according to the MOE, there are 1 in 5 students who require additional support from support services.
We all know there are a lot of other students in our classes who require additional support and are not currently receiving any support.
In my role as Across Schools Teacher supporting students with Additional Needs
I might be able to help with some of the following things:
- Facilitate Professional Development for your Staff, tailored to your schools' needs.
In the last year, I have presented :
- Teacher Aide training on Oral language development, Early Reading and Writing skills.
- Supporting Neurodiverse students - How our brain works.
- Behaviour and Sensory needs
- Assessment of individual students using additional assessment tools
- to gain baseline data
- to assist teachers to plan appropriately
- to check the meet criteria for additional support eg ORS, ICS
- to gather information for Welcome to school project
- Discussed School Special needs support registers
- Supported COL teachers with inquiries and carried out observations.
- Provided adapted material and resources for students with Additional needs
I am here to help: Book me through my Blog or email me
I am happy to help with any quick questions or come along and visit.
I am happy to help with any quick questions or come along and visit.